Clean Slate Initiatives
NLSLA is committed to helping adults and youth with criminal records get a fresh start. Our Clean Slate Initiatives team helps system-impacted adults and youth remove the legal barriers they face as result of their criminal records.
What We Can Help With
Resources in English
Know Your Rights: Fair Chance Housing
Know Your Rights: Fair Chance Employment
Preparing for Expungement (video)
California Fair Chance Toolkit
Additional Fair Chance Resources
I was denied a job because of my record. Were my rights violated?
LA City Attorney’s Homeless Engagement & Response Team (HEART)
Recursos en español
Conoce tus derechos: Empleo de oportunidad justa
Conozca sus derechos: Vivienda de oportunidad justa
Me negaron un trabajo debido a mi historial. ¿Fueron violados mis derechos?